Recently, I read an article about a guy who is 24 years old and who never had a girlfriend before. The article really touched my heart, because a few months before, I've been in the exactly same situation - except the fact that I'm only 20.
The guy in the article just tells his story, in a matter-of-fact tone where you can only sense what he really feels. Most of all, when you know how he feels. I never knew there were many others being in the same situation than I was. People, who somehow missed to take part in the phase where you are in 5th or 6th grade and write each other little love-letters. Who also one day feel too old for little love-letters but never learned anything else to approach a person they like. They usually have a lot of friends, like what they do and are not unattractive. They have just been disappointed early and are now afraid to show their feelings. They hide behind a wall of politeness or friendship what they really feel because they are afraid. And they think that short "just-for-fun" relationships are too banal, they want something real, right from the beginning. And that's unfortunately not easy too find.
I am old-fashioned, I like it when a guy makes the first step, opens the door for me, carries heavy things for me and so on. I sometimes thought, I was born in the wrong time because everybody else falls in and out of love so quickly and I just can't imagine to have a boyfriend just for a couple of weeks, just for fun. I am just not that kind of girl. And that made it hard for me to find someone.
At my age, most of the guys already are in a relationship or they're just looking for some fun. I think it's kinda sad, that in our society you are looked at in a weird way when you're still single at the age of 20. In my opinion, a relationship should be something that enriches your life but not something that IS your life. But many people seem to think they HAVE to have a partner, otherwise something is wrong with them. And so they try and try one partner after another. But I think that there's more in life. I mean, love is a really big part of everyone's life and I guess everyone wants to have someone they love and who loves them in return. But still that shouldn't be the only thing in life. You should also have a life of your own to share with the beloved person.
So in the end it's no bad thing at all to have the first relationship at the age of 20, or 21 or, as the guy in the article, 24. Because by then you have built up a life of your own, you have your own interests and hobbies and you've got something to share.
I have waited for a long time but love never comes when you wait for it. When finally I reached the point where I was satisfied with my life the way it was, I found someone.
I would like to encourage everybody out there who is single without ever having chosen to be single. Love is worth waiting and hoping for it. But don't forget the beauty of the life you're living NOW. Love your life and love will come by one day when you least expect it.
Because life is also something worth to be loved.
mmmh... yes... your thoughts in the end are just damn right! But that's always harder than it seems. But of course it's worth trying! ;)
You can´t choose who you fall in love with. But in case that special someone loves you´re pretty damn lucky.
That's true indeed...
So I am pretty damn lucky right now :)
just yesterday ,my classmate(male),he just want to introduce a boy for me,haa!but i refused ,because we have no possibility to be together in the future,i also donot fell in love easily,i just treat it seriously.may be my parents just like me to put all my effort on the study,so if i ...,they will be a little sad!so lucky if everyone find his prince or princess!!so you ,so lucky girl!!!wish you happy for ever!!我非常喜欢红楼梦,单没有把书看完,我把电视剧看完了,呵呵,电视剧拍的很好!你有机会可以看看!我给你邮箱发几张剧照吧,有时间看吧!
Buenas Jazz. Siento tardar tanto en aparecer por aquí, pero pasé por una época difícil relacionada con el amor del que hablas y estuve un poco desentendido de internet. Sin embargo, ya estoy de vuelta. :)
Yo llevaba desde los 16 años compartiendo mi vida con una chica maravillosa (Andrea) y hace dos meses lo nuestro se acabó. Han sido 5 años maravillosos que terminaron de una forma desastrosa y tal como tú dices, hay que aprender a apreciar la vida de nuevo. Aunque te aseguro que no es nada fácil.
No creo que el amor esté relacionado con una edad ni con un momento de la vida. Todos los días conoces personas y todos y cada uno de los días tienes posibilidades de conocer a la persona que marcará tu existencia de ahí en adelante.
Un besito Jazz cuídate mucho y feliz navidad. :-)
Buenas días!
De verdad hace mucho tiempo...welcome back!
Perder a una persona que has querido mucho, creo que esto es una de las cosas más difíciles en el mundo. Yo tengo novio para 4 meses ahora, pero ya no me puedo imaginar una vida sin él.
Nunca he dicho que es fácil apreciar la vida cuando no te sientes muy bien, pero es posible. Tarda mucho tiempo, pero es posible.
Feliz navidad para ti también y nos vemos!
ps.: Ya no tengo muchos orportunidades para practicar español, por eso lo siento si hago muchas faltas o si mis frases suenan un poco raro^^ man man.. ich wir ham da zwar schon drüber gequatscht aber der bericht berührt einen trotzdem!
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