Hey everybody!
I know I promised to blog something but this is the first time I've got enough time to do so. Right now I am in Xinxiang, which is a city situated about 7 hours by train south from Beijing. The last 5 days I spent in Beijing with my friends from university and it was so much fun! We saw many many interesting places, like the Great Wall, the Summerpalace, the Forbidden City and huge shopping malls where you can get everything for a ridiculously cheap price. Beijing is not very beautiful but the buildings are huuuge and there's a lot to see.
Now Xinxiang is a very different city. We are living in a kind of hotel on the campus of Henan Normal University, where we have a 4 weeks language course. The hotel is good, although my romm-mate Tanja and I don't have any bathtub, so the whole bathroom gets flooded when you try to take a shower. I hope we can get another room soon...
Xinxiang is really not beautiful. It's incredibly hot and humid and when you leave the campus, there comes a funny smell out of the river...
The internet-bar I am in right now is in a small building, which looks like a garage or something but it's crammed full of modern PCs. The people sit on the street, drive around on nearly breaking-down cars or bikes and everything is dusty and looks like a road in Africa.
Although today we visited the inner city, which wasn't like that at all. They have big malls there and everything looks like a normal asian city. Maybe we shouldn't have taken the way down that other road the day before....
But since our university is big and modern and since we have come here to learn, I guess it'll be ok. Still I'll be happy when we arrive in our hotel in Shanghai the end of September, when it'll begin to cool down...
Favourite song this week:
"Blacksmith's Milan" by Jay Chou. The song is so much fun ~
Most used phrase today:
"It's just SO gross..."
What I am reading:
If I find the time, I read "The Zahir" by Paulo Coelho
What I am missing:
The rainy, chilly weather in Hamburg....
Hola chica,
das du das Hamburger Wetter vermisst, hätte ich nicht gedacht. Hier regnet es ständig, also sei lieber froh...
Viel Spaß noch in China und stell mal paar Bilder in deinem Blog.
Hab dich lieb deine Milana
Bilder hochladen ist hier so ne Sache, das dauert Stunden, weil das USB so lahmarschig ist...
Ich zeig dir die Bilder, wenn ich wieder zurueck bin!
Hab dich auch lieb ~
boah keine gedult die Frau ^^"
wooho viel spaß noch^^
Hey Yasmine,
klingt ja irgendwie...vertraut, was du da geschrieben hast, vor allem geruchstechnisch.
Bin gestern aus China wiedergekommen, genauer gesagt aus Shanghai. Ich wünsch dir von ganzem Herzen besseres Wetter als ich es hatte (war einfach nur unerträglich ~) und wenn du magst kannst du demnächst bei mir nachlesen, was ich so erlebt hab (war ne Menge, definitiv)
Dann mal noch viel Spaß in Henan, wir sehen uns im Oktober :>
hey yasmine,ist ja ein echt süßes foto in deinem profil!
ähm,wenn du fotos an deine freunde schicken willst,meld dich mal bei www.pixum.de an!ja kannste dir ein fotoalbum anlegen bis zu 1 GB.dann kannste einfach deinen freunden eine einladung schicken und man kann sich deine fotos angucken,ohne stundenlang zu warten,weil man die bilder nicht uploaden muss!
liebe grüße,kim
so much room to improve in china
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