Many of you may wonder about the title of this post now. No, I am not taking any drugs, nor am I drunk or anything like that. Recently I've found a joke-religion about the Flying Spaghetti Monster
who created the world. It is just so absurd that I have to post it and I really love the idea!! Where can I become a member...?
To see a video of a FSM-sighting, go to: FSM-Video
On a different subject I want to share a song with you, which I really love recently. It is a very old german song (it's even old german language which you can hardly understand today; comparable to Shakespeare's language in English) which a friend of mine came up with since she learned something about it in class. It's called "Am Morgen fruo" (= During the early morning) by Walter von der Vogelweide and it's sung by a girl called Aurelie , who also has a hompepage sharing songs like that one with others (in german). I wanted to put it in the sidebar but it somehow won't work T_T Maybe you can download it yourself on the page if you're interested, just type the title into the search-field. So instead I put a Jay Chou song in the sidebar again, which I also like very much.
Favourite song this week:
"Am Morgen fruo", as just mentioned.
What I am reading:
"Traum unserer Generation" by Zhang Xinxin, which is a really nice book. It's very thin and I am reading it during my subway-rides. Today I read a very cute part of it I will tell you about in a different post (it's getting to long here).
"Paula" by Isabel Allende, also a very interesting book.
What I am learning:
Stupid annoying chinese grammar...>.<
You're not implying that the flying spaghetti monster is fake, are you? ;-)
Not at all!! Don't you insult my religion!^^
Por el monstruo espaguetti volador!! Quieres dejar de leer tantos libros orientales? Terminarás como Don Quijote, recorriendo tierras asiáticas creyéndote una gheisa en busca de aventuras!
Por cierto, en las Islas Cíes ahora solo viven algunos guardas forestales y una familia que regenta el camping y el restaurante. ¡Un saludo!
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