My life in posts

Friday, May 12, 2006

Eichbaumsee and RHCP

I know it's been a while that I've posted something but I've been pretty busy lately. A lot to learn, two presentations (one of them next week >.<) and going out with friends since the weather has been FANTASTIC! Every day I was like "I really have to work on my presentation today" and then I looked out of the window and next I was sitting with a friend at a lake or going downtown with another friend etc. 你不努力不行! haha^^ Speaking of this lake: It's called Eichbaumsee, it's somewhere near Hamburg (great description, I know ;-)) and it's just so beautiful there!! They have a large beach with white sand around the lake and there's also a river nearby. Everything is surrounded by a big park. I'll probably celebrate my birthday there; everyone sitting around a fire and one of them playing the guitar...soo nice :-)

On a different subject I want to share a really funny video with you. It's "Dani California" by Red Hot Chili Peppers. My friend Nina has become a big fan recently and all she is listening to is RHCP-music haha^^ I also like some of the songs, especially this one. Try to guess every band they are representing in the video, we guessed all but one!

> I removed the video since it annoys me that it starts every time I open the blog. If anyone really wants to see it, just go to, they've got it somewhere there<

Favourite song this week:
"Snow (Heyho)" by RHCP (although yesterday was the first time I listened to it)

What I am reading:
Still "Borrowed tongue" by Tao Yang. It's really recommendable. It's about a woman who fled from China to Taiwan with her family, who now tries to face the ghosts of her past. It's about her problems with family-members, friends, moving so often and life in general and the style is really nice to read.
Note to 我們中文班的學生: You can find it in our AAI-library (after I've returned it).

What made me laugh this week:
Yesterday, I went to a Egypt-evening in university, along with two friends of mine, Nina and Denis. When we went downstairs, a little girl came running up, stopped, looked at Denis, began to laugh and ran away. It was so funny hahaha^^


Cloemi said...

Soso... die RHCP... ja, die machen immer wieder Spaß. Aber ich persönlich finde die SoloAlben von ihrem Gitarristen John Frusciante besser. Aber das ist sicher Geschmackssache :) wie so ziemlich alles.

Der See sieht ja wirklich schick aus... ich durfte ja schonmal ein paar Bilder sehen. Auf die Feier freue ich mich dann schonmal... :) Und wenn du mit einem Satz des letzten Posts recht hattest... Ich schließe mich was meine Person angeht 100%ig an: 你不努力不行!

Also bis dann...

Anonymous said...

ÖI! john ist toll! ich liebe sein Album "shadows colide with people"!
aber das ist halt was anderes als RHCP^^
abgesehen von der gitarre natürlich...^^"

Joe said...

Glad to see that you're making good use of your time rather than wasting beautiful days.

Love the RHCP video...

News said...

¿Qué bien lo pasas eh?
Ese lago es muy bonito, pero creo que en un lugar en el que disfrutarías de verdad de la guitarra de tu amigo es en las Islas Cíes justo en frente de la ría de Vigo (mi ciudad). Actualmente son un parque forestal pero tienen un gran camping y una línea regular de ferri. Si te vas a la parte de atrás (la que no tiene playa) puedes ver incluso delfines. :-)

¡Qué bonita es la primavera!

Min Min said...

Me gustaría mucho ir allí, pero...siempre el dinero^^". Bueno, también hay muchas lugares bonitos en Alemania, si no fuera por el tiempo. No hay mucho sol aquí, pero si hay, también puede ser muy bonito.
¿Hay gente que vive en esta isla? ¿Ya has estado allí?
En Mayo 2005 fui a Lloret de Mar con mi clase del colegio (también tengo un post en mi blog, en diciembre) y allí hay una roca dónde una amiga, este amigo con la guitarra y yo fuimos una vez. Tan bonito, el mar, el sol y la música...
Ahora está lluviendo otra vez...T_T