My life in posts

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Yesterday I found something very interesting on the internet. There is a site,, where you can download mp3s with Chinese lessons or discussions for your ipod or mp3-player (I still love the chinese word mpsan-player^^); every day a new one. You are first introduced to the topic in english and then you listen to a dialogue in chinese 3 times. Afterwards the two speakers explain some of the vocabulary (in english, too) and give you useful information about the new words and about how to use them. They speak very slowly, so it is easy to understand, even for beginners. Well, ok, you have to know at least a little Mandarin to understand the whole thing but I am only learning it for half a year and I understand most of the podcast.
There are also discussions fully spoken in Chinese for advanced learners.
A really interesting thing!!

The same site also exists for English,
Just wanted to share this with you, since I am totally enthusiastic about the whole thing!!

Favourite song this week:
It's still ›Hips don't lie‹

Favourite album this week:
›Fisherman's woman‹ by Emilian Torrini

What I am reading:
›Das Schmetterlingskästchen‹ by Santa Montefiore - really a very beautiful book! Best to read in summer on a deckchair in the garden while listening to music by Emiliana Torrini^^ (unfortunately I can only get the part with the music here...)

›Selected stories of Xiao Hong‹ by Xiao Hong - shortstories taking place in China

What I've learned today:
Chinese Vocabulary! 很努力地學習 ~ haha^^


RenderB said...

Maybe one day when I'm done with my japanese I'll get round to some chinese. On a whole the Japanese spoken language has my prefference although chinese is more lyrical.

Min Min said...

You learn Japanese? Wow ~ with me it's the other way round. When I am done with my Chinese I want to learn Japanese haha^^
Are you studying Japanese??

Mata ne^^ ~~

RenderB said...

Only the spoken language mainly and the written form in romanji. I do not bother with kanji and kana for now because all those give me a slight headache. If i am going to learn chinese it would only be the spoken language too. the written form is a pain to learn.

News said...

En el restaurante chino que frecuento habitualmente estoy seguro de que la camarera me insulta cuando pido algo (me resulta muy difícil de creer que arroz cuatro estaciones en chino tenga unas 30 palabras).
Tendrás que acompañarme a cenar un día y confirmar mis sospechas ;).

Min Min said...

Haha sí, claro, si me invites (otra vez este tema lol) ;-)
¿A decir verdad, dónde vives?
Bueno, pero mi chino todavía no es tan bueno que entiendo todo lo que gente chino dice. Lo sólo estudio para medio año. Normalmente ya me encanta mucho cuando entiendo una frase entera hehe^^

News said...

Está bien... Haré una excepción, yo me encargo de la cena. xD

Vivo aquí entre el estadio de fútbol y el bosque que hay a la derecha. No es gran cosa, pero tenemos buenas playas. ;)

Anonymous said...

Mein Spanisch reicht leider nur aus, um halbwegs zu verstehen was ihr hier sagt, nicht um selbst was zu formulieren. ~
Danke übrigens fürs Vorbeigucken und für die Hilfe, funktioniert jetzt. ;)

Und hiermit sinds drei Sprachen auf dieser Seite, sonst hätt ich wohl auf Englisch geschrieben.

RenderB said...

Hm, think i'll add one more language to the mix. ;-)
Alhoewel ik betwijfel dat er iemand is die dit log leest en nederlands spreekt. ;-)

Min Min said...
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Anonymous said...

Er bezweifelt, ob es hier jemanden gibt, der das liest und Niederländisch spricht ;)

Min Min said...

Wow so many comments on one post ^________^ *jumping with joy*

@ news: Bueno, si me voy a Vigo una vez, voy a saber en qué casa sonar para recibir una cena gratis ;-)
Yo vivo aquí^^

@André: Ja, gern geschehen^^
Und danke fürs Übersetzen! Du kannst niederländisch?!?! Nun, ok, mit ein bisschen raten kann man das schon hinkriegen...oder?

@renderb: Erm, sorry, I don't really understand that...>.< Maybe you can translate it for me :-)

ps.: Den Kommentar hier hab ich noch mal neu geschrieben, weil ich soñar statt sonar geschrieben hatte (träumen statt klingeln...ahem, peinlich >.<).