My life in posts

Monday, February 13, 2006

Valentine's day...

This morning I went downtown to finally find a job. The sun was shining and the weather was really nice, cold, but nice. I asked around in every shop I would like to work in. Well, I haven’t found a job yet, but I have a lot of telephone numbers where I can still ask and I applied at Balzac Coffee over the internet. I hope they take me, I looove Coffee Shops (though I don’t go there very often, since they are horribly expensive)!!

Yesterday, my friend Julia and I watched the movie “Spanglish” together, which was fun. We hadn’t seen each other for half a year because she had gone to Australia to work there as assistant teacher (I would have loved to do that, too >.<). We’ve never been that close but we’ve always been pretty good friends and it feels good to see that some friendships don’t change althought you lose contact for a while.

And now another thing:


And I can tell you why. 3 weeks before it, in every shop they begin to put up hearts in red and pink and other pink and red stuff and you see signs saying “February 14th, Valentine’s day” like, EVERYWHERE. They begin to sell everything with hearts on it as “Valentine’s day gift”, and no matter how hard you try you just can’t escape it! They tell you over the radio, on TV, on the internet…
This may be nice if you’re in a relationship, but if you’re not, it is just ANNOYING! I mean, they make you feel as if there’s a special club but you’re not in it. Even if I wanted to buy a Valentine’s day gift, I have no one to give it to…SO!
And what I hate most about it, is that it’s all just commercial! I mean, if I gave somebody I love a gift for Valentine’s day, I would make something myself, like putting photos together or writing in a book why I love this person so much or something like that, but I wouldn’t go and buy a heart-shaped something for a ridiculously high price. Maybe I will think different in a couple of years and ok, it is kinda cute from my dad to buy a little pot with roses and a heart in it for my mum but still…

Tell me what you think about Valentine’s day but please don’t tell me what your boy-/girlfriend gave you for it…

Favourite places to hang out in Hamburg:
Einstein (Bramfelder Chaussee), The Lloyds Tea room (Asien-Afrika-Institut, Edmund-Siemers-Allee1), SOHO (it is so cool^^, dunno the address), Block House (of course!), Kramer Amstsstuben (so cute!, they are next to the “Michel”)
ps: Nina had the new Jack Johnson album on her Mp3 player on Saturday! Yay!! I loooove Jack Johnson's music....I will post a song here later, when I've decided which one from the new album I like best.


Joe said...

I'm kind of indifferent about Valentine's day, but I will say that I'm not sure that I like "obligatory" holidays like that. Expressions of love should be more spontaneous and year-round.

Min Min said...

Yeah, that's exactly what I think, too!! But maybe some people wouldn't express their love at all if it weren't for Valentine's day, so maybe there is still something good about it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jazzie,
finally a comment by me, too. ~

I agree with both of you what VD is about.
Hope you get the job, coffee shops are really nice, although I don't drink coffee. ;)
My holidays are kinda boring so far. Of course, I could go to the library each day and learn, but I'm just too lazy.
See you soon,

Min Min said...

Who is not lazy here...
I didn't get the job by the way, they only wanted somebody working "fulltime"...hum, shit happens ~
Thanks for commenting, by the way!

Anonymous said...

思敏,我是丁慧,听到你的见解,可以看出你很理智,如果是我,我也会如此的,we have same characters in this aspect,but what do you think now, you have got a boyfriend,^^^^^^^^haha,hope you happy everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!aoe