Well, I don’t really know what to write, there is nothing too interesting to tell at the moment. I am going to university every day, learning chinese, working on my presentation and homework and so on, so nothing special.
But I am really relaxed lately. Though there’s pretty much to do for me, I am totally satisfied with my life right now. And that’s so cool! Like, from the beginning of being a teenager, I always wished for a boyfriend. The others always had boyfriends and I knew that the ones who were single like me would get a boyfriend before me. And so they did, one after the other. Some of them broke up again, but at least, I thought, they had had a boyfriend. I always felt like something was missing in my life, I wanted to have little stupid gifts for Valentine’s day (ok, I still want that, but that’s different^^), I wanted someone to refer to as “my boyfriend”, all that stuff. The problem only was that the boys I fell for didn’t fall for me and the ones that liked me I didn’t like that much (I think everybody knows that). And although I know it’s not realistic, I still believe in “true love”. Sometimes I wonder why I can’t be more like other girls, who have something going on with boys just for fun. But I’m just not like that. I often think I’m born in the wrong time, since what I think about love is so old-fashioned. Anyway, currently I experience a phase where I am satisfied with my life the way it is and where I think I don’t have to have a boyfriend to give my life “the little dot on the i” as we say in german. And I like that feeling!
Yesterday my friend Jamie had her birthday party! Her mom cooked chinese food and it was JUST…SO…GOOD…*sigh* I ate so much my stomach hurt^^ Well, we sat together and talked and watched TV and played silly games; it was fun. It felt good to see my friends again, as we don’t see each other that often anymore since school ended.
And next week a friend of Jamie’s (who is also a friend of Milana’s and mine), Max, comes to Hamburg for a couple of days!! Soooo cool ^___________^
And who knows, maybe I can talk a little chinese with him…
Most hated chinese character this week:
鍛 (it’s somehow weird)
每个人都希望自己可以找到一个两情相悦的人,我也是阿,不过到现在还没遇到呢,恭喜你啊!!!你已经找到了阿,我也很相信缘份的,所以现在我也不很急的,因为我还有好多事要做,我有时很迟钝,我不喜欢的人是决不会在一起的,有时真的很矛盾,不是吗?我就随缘吧!!!!^^^^^^^^hahahaah丁慧,can you understand me ?????
more or less^^
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